Abe Gelb joined the group Underwater Gliders 13 years, 10 months ago
Abe Gelb posted on the forum topic Abe, Dakota, and Jason's activity on ports and their effect in estuarine ecosystems in the group COSIA Activities: 14 years, 5 months ago
Here is a sample conversation that would take place between the instructor and 3 learners during our activity.
Abe Gelb posted on the forum topic Abe, Dakota, and Jason's activity on ports and their effect in estuarine ecosystems in the group COSIA Activities: 14 years, 6 months ago
Liza, I added the second draft to the documents tab. I am glad that our activity is clearer this draft. I will make sure we add some of the potential background information we plan to use in the next draft. Thank you for the feedback.
Abe Gelb posted on the forum topic Abe, Dakota, and Jason's activity on ports and their effect in estuarine ecosystems in the group COSIA Activities: 14 years, 6 months ago
Laura that is a very good question and I would be glad to answer it. Part of the already constructed estuarine environment is a beach area that has some common grasses found in places such as Barnegat Bay. This grassy beach is the preferred area for the terrapin to lay eggs and that is the […]
Abe Gelb uploaded the file: second draft of terrapin in estuaries: Gelb, Goldinger, Rubinstein to COSIA Activities 14 years, 6 months ago
This is the second draft of our lesson plan.
Abe Gelb posted on the forum topic Abe, Dakota, and Jason's activity on ports and their effect in estuarine ecosystems in the group COSIA Activities: 14 years, 6 months ago
I have attached the revised version of our lesson plan. Please let us know if this version is easier to follow and hits all the points on the learning cycle.
Abe Gelb posted on the forum topic Abe, Dakota, and Jason's activity on ports and their effect in estuarine ecosystems in the group COSIA Activities: 14 years, 6 months ago
Bonny, our plan for the lesson is to have two replica natural estuary tanks set up. We are going to glue sand and various plant species to styrofoam on the shore. There will be loose sand partially overlapping on this and sloping down to teh bottom of the tank that is manipulable. Using the guided […]
Abe Gelb posted on the forum topic Abe, Dakota, and Jason's activity on ports and their effect in estuarine ecosystems in the group COSIA Activities: 14 years, 6 months ago
Liza, we tried to order the questions in such a way so that the learners will industrialize the port in a logical order. We want the learners to first realize what kind of vessels will travel in the area. After this, we want them to add in a dock to the model so the vessels […]
Abe Gelb started the forum topic Abe, Dakota, and Jason's activity on ports and their effect in estuarine ecosystems in the group COSIA Activities: 14 years, 6 months ago
Jason Rubinstein, Abe Gelb, Dakota G COSA Activity Draft 1 Our activity is designed to educate informal audiences about the effects marine transportation and the development of ports has on the diamondback terrapin in an estuarine ecosystem. Through having a hands-on activity illustrating this process, we will encourage self discovery, guided…[Read more]
Abe Gelb joined the group COSIA Activities 14 years, 6 months ago
Abe Gelb became a registered member 14 years, 6 months ago
Abe Gelb wrote a new post on the site COSEE NOW 14 years, 11 months ago
COSEE NOW invites you to participate in an online seminar series that will discuss the challenges of designing exhibits using real-time data from Ocean Observing Systems. This webinar series will focus on sharing ideas and resources on the development of interactive exhibits or kiosks for use in informal learning institutions. We will highlight ways in which archived and real-time […]