Community organizing, ocean style

We’ve talked to numerous scientists on Ocean Gazing about their shared dream of piping data from the ocean onto the web and into the palm of your hand in real time, 24 hours a day. That dream has a name: the Ocean Observatories Initiative.

Deb Kelley from the University of Washington says, “I mean, one of the drivers for this whole project was to put infrastructure in the water that will really change forever how we view the planet and interact with it.”

This vision of hers and others is closer to reality than ever before. Stay tuned to hear why.



Ocean observatories will transmit all kinds of data, such as this suite of phenomena occurring in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Credit: OOI Regional Scale Nodes Program, University of Washington.

A map indicating construction sites of the ocean observatories, to be completed by 2014. Credit: OOI Regional Scale Nodes Program, University of Washington.

Marine habitats are an untapped resource for the discovery of new pharmaceuticals, as this schematic illustrates. Credit: OOI Regional Scale Nodes Program, University of Washington.

Education Standards

National Science Education Standards Grade 5 to 8

National Science Education Standards Grade 9 to 12

Ocean Literacy Principles

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Send us your guess for the Sonic Stumper or your questions about the Ocean Observatories Initiative:

Community organizing, ocean style


  1. Thank you Ari! Sounds like you had a good time at the reception 🙂

    I think it is a really important point about multidisciplinary nature of ocean observing, minds and machines converging!

  2. Yes, the reception was a blast! And you’re right that minds and machines are converging with all this ocean observing. That’s a nice way of putting it. I’m so excited to see what develops!