In 2008, a team of dedicated MARE educators assembled the following guides to help teachers who are new to MARE. Each grade level guide includes a selection of 3 “golden lessons,” that first-year teachers should defiantly consider including in their curriculum. A scope and sequence matrix is included for each “golden lesson.” Additionally, each guide includes a suggested thematic sequence for all the lessons included in the unit.
If you have any suggestions on how to improve these guides, please let us know.
Getting Started with MARE – An implementation guide to help teachers turn-key MARE in their schools.
- Grade K – Ponds
- Grade 1 – Rocky Seashore
- Grade 2 – Sandy Beach
- Grade 3 – Wetlands
- Grade 4 – Kelp Forest
- Grade 5 – Open Ocean
- Grade 6 – Islands
- Grade 7 – Coral Reefs
- Grade 8 – Climate Change
If you have any suggestions on how to improve these guides, please let us know.