Evening Teacher Programs

STEM Educators’ Series (formerly Ocean Lecture & Educators’ Nights)

What: An exciting evening science lecture and a curriculum session
When: October 2013, January 2014, February 2014, and March 2014 (two events/month)
Where: Alampi Seminar Room, Institute of Marine & Coastal Sciences Building, Cook Campus, Rutgers University

We are hosting STEM educator events for New Jersey teachers interested in bringing current STEM research into their classrooms. Each meeting will include a Rutgers University scientist presenting on their research and a chance to ask the researcher questions. The final hour of the evening will be spent reviewing curriculum developed to align with both the research presented that evening, the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards – Science, and the Next Generation Science Standards.

Each session we will post relevant Background Materials, topic-related and data-specific Lesson Plans, and the presentation online.

You will receive lesson materials, a light super, and a certificate of 2.5 professional development hours. If you are unable to attend in person we will broadcast the event over the internet. To register for a 2013-14 event: Click Here and scroll to the bottom of the page.

5:30 – 6:15 pm: Check-in, Socialize, and Dinner
6:15 – 7:30 pm: Lecture and Q&A
7:30 – 8:30 pm: Lesson plan/demonstration and Discussion

You will receive an email with the necessary parking pass to download, print, and display on your dashboard the Monday before the event. Parking is available across from the Institute of Marine & Coastal Sciences (IMCS) building.

Unfortunately, the grant that enabled us to offer the program for free has expired, but we would like to keep offering this program! Therefore, we have partnered with the Program for Science Learning and the Rutgers Cooperative Extension – Youth Development department to expand the program and offer it at the events at a reduced cost of $15.

Fee structure: $15 for 1 event, $50 for 4 events, or $80 for all 8 events

** To see the 2013-14 Ocean Lecture & Educators’ Night schedule and to access each of the planned events webpages to learn more and to register, visit the 2013-14 series page. **

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