An internet portal into the ocean

Welcome to the first episode of Ocean Gazing, a podcast where we look at, listen to and touch the ocean to unpack its secrets.

John Delaney, an oceanographer at the University of Washington, says, “Few realize that the Internet is in the process of spreading into the ocean in a form that allows interaction between humans and the most fundamental processes that operate in the ocean that basically drive our climate.”

Delaney will share how he and his team are planning to use the Internet to share observations of everything underwater from earthquakes to whales.

We’ll also hear a sonic stumper, a chance for you to listen to something from the world of ocean observing, and to guess what it is. Have a listen!



In collaboration with the ResearchChannel, the VISIONS'05 expedition featured the first real-time broadcast of high-definition video from the seafloor via the Internet to audiences around the world. Credit: NEPTUNE and Center for Environmental Visualization, University of Washington.

Conceptual representation of a future seafloor laboratory on the Regional Scale Nodes of the Ocean Observatories Initiative network in the Northeast Pacific ocean. Credit: NEPTUNE and Center for Environmental Visualization, University of Washington.

John Delaney directs the Regional Scale Nodes ocean observatory program at the University of Washington, where he also serves as Professor of Oceanography. Credit: UWTV and the NEPTUNE Program.

Send a Message

To submit a question for John or your guess for the Sonic Stumper guess, you can:

  • drop us a voice message via Skype (username
  • leave a voicemail at (508) 289-3926
  • or simply email us at
An internet portal into the ocean


  1. Thank you Ari for helping John Delaney tell his story! Very interesting. Five stars!

  2. Great podcast! Can’t wait to hear the next one.

  3. gailscow says:

    Ari – awesome job! This is exciting for COSEE-NOW and the whole COSEE Network!