Story List

A diary of dirt. Un cuento sobre el clima.
Our planet Earth lays down a record of its climate on the seafloor in certain parts of the world. All you have to do is know how to read it.

Liquid light
Pour light into liquid, keep a detector at the ready, and what do you get? Opportunities to keep constant track of the chemical and biological brew frothing in the ocean.

A green ocean
What color would you paint the oceans on our planet? Blue? Try green. At least that’s what a NASA satellite 450 miles above our heads is telling us to do.

Dungeons and Darwins
Sometimes understanding the vastness of the ocean means understanding the wee strands of DNA packed into the tiniest of cells, and how that DNA gives those cells some very special abilities.

Seeing the small
Heidi Sosik and Rob Olson describe how a shared frustration led them to develop a special underwater camera that takes pictures of tiny cells in the ocean. It has revolutionized how the ecology of the ocean is studied. [audio:]