Registration Extended to Feb 17th for Rutgers Ocean Days

I wanted to make you aware that we have extended the deadline for registering for Rutgers Ocean Days to next Friday, February 17th.

What is Rutgers Ocean Days? – A chance to bring your students to Rutgers for a day of ocean science!
Rutgers Ocean Days brings Marine Activities Resources & Education (MARE) students (grades 3-8) from public, private, and informal science education programs to Rutgers University to celebrate their scientific accomplishments in the MARE program (April 2-3, 2012).

The goal of Rutgers Ocean Days is to excite and engage students in ocean science by providing a platform for them to share results from their science investigations with one another and Rutgers scientists. This event encourages students to develop questions and participate in an inquiry-based scientific investigation that builds upon the knowledge they have learned from the MARE curriculum.  Through their investigations, students will become actively engaged in ocean science rather than just learning the content, and will be able to act as science communicators and peer educators.

Bring your students and join in the fun! More information about the event can be found on the MARE website and in the attached flyer. Post the flyer around your school to encourage your colleagues to also bring their students.

Interested in registering for the event? Register Here

We hope to see you and your students in April!

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