Story List

Only one ocean
Steve Van Zandt goes by Solar Steve when he’s writing songs and performing with the Banana Slug String Band. The group’s based in Santa Cruz, California, and they make music about science and conservation.
Clams in a jam
Surf clamming has always been a hard business. But recently it’s gotten even harder, and the fishermen are bearing the brunt of the impact. All you have to do is talk to them to find out.

An imminent thaw
In the Bering Sea, ice is everything. It controls the life, the people living there, and the climate. So what’s happening now that the thickness and the quality of that ice is deteriorating?

A green ocean
What color would you paint the oceans on our planet? Blue? Try green. At least that’s what a NASA satellite 450 miles above our heads is telling us to do.

Clearing a carbon catastrophe
We’re letting loose tons — literally — of carbon dioxide into our skies each day. And a good amount of that CO2 is finding its way into the ocean. Scientists from all over the world are rolling up their sleeves to try to avoid a global disaster.

Antarctica melting
Climate change is impacting even one of the most remote places on Earth: Antarctica. Krill numbers are down, salp numbers are way up, and the entire food web down there is in the balance.

Penguins in the hot seat
The temperature in Antarctica is rising, and Hugh Ducklow is watching an entire ecosystem change before his eyes. What happens if the ice just keeps on melting?