
A Workgroup is a group of people working together on a common project or goal. COSEE NOW supports collaborations among scientists and educators in the ocean observing community and welcomes workgroups related to our mission. We encourage you to join an existing workgroup that suits your needs or talents, or establish a new workgroup to foster innovative collaborations.

Using real-time data from ocean observing systems we can connect the public to the ocean like never before. But making data usable and understandable is not easy. This workgroup connects data translators, scientists and educators interested in using real-time data in their classroom to figure out the best ways to visualize and interact with OOS data. [learn more]

We live on an ocean planet, but little ocean content is included in standard curricula. Elementary and middle school classroom educators from across the country are now working with scientists to help increase the Ocean Literacy level of our students. Join the discussion and share your ideas on the best ways to excite and motivate students about the ocean. (MARE educators are especially encouraged to join this group.)

Classroom educators are invited connect with scientists Alex and Elizabeth as they spend a summer in Antarctica (2008-2009). Community members will work to develop lesson plans and activities that can used to bring real Antarctic science to students, educating them on the importance of doing research in places like Antarctica to better understand ocean ecosystems and how the climate is changing.

People spend only 20% of their lives in formal schooling. If we hope to increase the ocean literacy of our population then we need to look towards informal or free-choice learning opportunities. Observing systems provide a vast array of data and stories ripe for these environments. This workgroup encourages scientists and informal educators to collaborate to make these resources accessible to the public.

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