Archive | Ocean Observatory Stories

Why are ocean observing systems important?

(photo courtesy of Chris Simoniello)

Knowing when to Evacuate: One Woman’s Push Towards an Ocean-literate Nation

Knowing when to evacuate from an oncoming hurricane can seem like a daunting decision – even for someone immersed in ocean education. Chris Simoniello shares with us how one educator reacted to the oncoming threat of Hurricane Katrina to her coastal community, and how in the aftermath she gained a new motivation to help educate […]

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An example Air Quality map from the U.S. EPA.

Taking Data to Heart

When you show students how to use real-time data, you might be surprised to find out that they continue using the data long after the lesson is over. In this story, Leisl Hotaling shares with us an unexpected outcome she encountered while teaching students about Air Pollution.

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This satellite image shows the annual average phytoplankton chlorophyll (a measure of phytoplankton biomass) in the global ocean. It was made by averaging all of the data collected by the SeaWiF\'s satellite sensor during a single year.

Small Plants, Big Ocean

Dr. Jim Yoder has always been fascinated by the microscopic plants that grow in the ocean. Early in his career he studied them in his lab and wondered if his flasks really matched the ocean environment. Little did he realize how new technologies like satellites would soon be able to give him a much larger […]

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Jeff Lord and Greg Packard (WHOI technicians) deploy the REMUS AUV. (Credit: Al Plueddemann, WHOI)

Where’s the dock?

Observing the ocean at the ends of the earth is never easy. Senior WHOI Scientist, Al Plueddemann, shares his tale of how tricky even loading a boat with equipment can be in Barrow Alaska. But, as difficult as it was, observing the ocean with a small and nimble ROV turned out to be the easiest […]

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The Fetch AUV and its floating cradle

Catching the $250,000 "Fish"

Researching the ocean’s many mysteries is never easy, especially when you’re using the latest in robotic technology. This is why programs for teachers generally include a field component where oceanographers can demonstrate how they conduct their research and the challenges they face. But in this story from Virginia Institute of Marine Science, you’ll never guess […]

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