NOW Research

We focused on using current and cutting edge approaches to bridging the fields of science and education. Below are a list of various reports, presentations, and publications that came out of our work and out of the center.

Teaching Using Data:

  • Incorporating MARACOOS Data Into Ocean Education: A Needs Assessment – In the summer of 2012, COSEE NOW worked with The Mid Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System (MARACOOS) to run a needs assessment workshop for scientists interested in teaching with data from the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS).
  • Developing Tools to Engage Undergraduates in Data from Observatories – The Education and Public Engagement (EPE) Implementing Organization (IO) is dedicated to developing data visualization tools that will facilitate the use of data from Ocean Observing Initiative (OOI) to enhance undergraduate teaching.
  • MACOORA Usability Test – In August 2008, a team of COSEE NOW members collaborated with Cia Romano, the founder and CEO of Interface Guru, to conduct a website usability test with a group of tuna fishermen and women to better understand how ocean observatory data can be communicated via Web-based visualization displays such as maps, charts and other data sources.
  • Real-Time Data in K-12 Classrooms: A Report – This document reports on a front-end evaluation designed to investigate the ways by which kindergarten through 12th-grade (K-12) teachers and students can and do use real-time data (RTD) to understand and appreciate the role that the ocean environment plays in their lives.

Scientist Surveys:

  • COSEE NOW 2008 Scientist Survey Report – What do scientists think about coastal sciences education & outreach? Are they engaged? And, in what ways are they contributing? This report offers answers to those questions.
  • COSEE MA Scientist Survey 2004-2007 Report – COSEE Mid-Atlantic (now known as COSEE NOW and COSEE Coastal Trends)  conducted an annual scientist survey since 2004 to gather data on the education involvement, practices and needs of scientists affiliated with ocean observing systems. This report includes survey results from 2004 through 2007.

Educator Surveys:

  • COSEE MA Teacher PD 2003-2007 Evaluation Report – Each summer from 2003 through 2007 COSEE Mid-Atlantic (now known as COSEE NOW and COSEE Coastal Trends) conducted teacher professional development (PD) workshops designed to train educators in the use of real data, mostly from coastal and ocean observing systems, in their teaching. This report documents our teacher professional development activities from 2003 to 2007, the model format we used and teachers’ reactions and responses (a few of which are below).


Year 3

Can’t Take the Heat classroom data activity and COSEE NOW project information was presented at/in:

  • 2009 Mid-Atlantic Marine Education Association conference

  • 2009 Virginia Association of Science Teachers annual professional development institute

  • 2010 National Science Teachers Association annual conference

  • NMEA news article

  • National Protected Areas Center’s Information Exchange for Marine Educators

COSEE NOW materials presented at:

  • Marine Technology Society conference in MS

  • Workshop for Gulf of Mexico area teachers at MTS meetings

COSEE Day series presentations given at:

  • National Science Teachers Association meeting in PA

Presentation given by COSEE NOW scientists at:

  • National Science Teachers Association conference in PA

Year 4

COSEE NOW materials presented at:

  • Marine Technology Society conference in WA

  • workshop for Seattle, WA area teachers at MTS meeting

  • National Science Teachers Association conference in CA

COSEE Day series sessions presented at:

  • National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) national conference in CA

  • NSTA conference luncheon presentation

Satellites, Storms, and Sounds along with the Bridge Data Analysis Teaching Activity Satellites and Storms and COSEE NOW Gazing podcasts presented at:

  • National Science Teachers Association annual conference

  • National Marine Educators annual conference

Ships, Oceans, and Satellites – S.O.S (opening a conversation about data in the classroom) presented at:

  • New Jersey Science Convention

Development and use of the COOL classroom website as a tool for current scientific research presented at:

  • NASA’s Goodard Space Flight Center

The collaborative online community of scientists and education and public outreach professionals of COSEE NOW presented at:

  • American Geophysical Union’s fall meeting in CA

Ocean Observing Initiatives Education and Public Engagement Implementing Organization presented at:

  • Ocean Observing Initiatives Education and Public Engagement Implementing Organization annual status meeting in VA

Year 5

Ships, Oceans, and Satellites and Increasing Underrepresented High School Students’ Ocean Awareness presented at:

  • National Marine Educators Association meeting in MA

COSEE NOW materials (AUV Research and Education in the Ross Sea: Scientists Share Research Experience with Middle School Teachers and Students; AUV Research and Education in the Ross Sea: A Broader Impact Evaluation Report; AUV Research and Education in the Ross Sea: Teacher Preparation Enhances Student Engagement and Understanding of Mission Science; The Use of Real-Time Data from Globally-Distributed Glider Missions in the Undergraduate Classroom; and Constructing a Framework to Classify Ocean Data Activities: A Tool for Content Developers, Data Translators, and Educators) presented at and “Using Data from Autonomous Vehicles to Support Education and Public Outreach” session hosted at:

  • TOS/ASLO/AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting in UT

Sea Level Trends presented at:

  • National Science Teacher Association annual conference in IN

The Carbon Cycle Game presented at:

  • National Science Teacher Association annual conference in IN

  • New Jersey Science Convention in NJ

The Broader Impact Wizard presented at:

  • National Science Foundation “Brown Bag” Seminar Series



deCharon, A., L. Duguay, J. McDonnell, C. Peach, C. Companion, C. Herren, P. Harcourt, T. Repa, C. Ferraro, P. Kwon, S. Lichtenwalner, E. Simms, and L. Whitley. 2013. Concept mapping workshops: Helping ocean scientists represent and communicate science. Oceanography 26(1):98-105, (


Kluchinski, D.; Kinsey, J.; Komar, S. J.; McDonnell, J. 2011.  Impact of Career Stage on Use of Web 2.0 Technologies by Agricultural and Natural Resource Management Extension Professionals in New Jersey, Journal of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents, Vol. 4, Issue 1, (

Duncan, R. G., El-Moslimany, H., McDonnell, J., & Lichtenwalner, S. 2011. Supporting teachers’ use of a project-based learning environment in ocean science: wed-based educative curriculum materials. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 19, (4), 449-472, (

McDonnell, J., L. Bovitz, C. Ferraro, R. Lyons, and D. Robinson.  2011.  Climate Change Summit for Teens.  Green Teacher. Issue 93. p. 25-27. (


McDonnell, J., deCharon, A., Peach, C.  2010. Using Ocean Observing Systems in the Centers for Ocean Science Education Excellence (COSEE).   The Earth Scientist.  Vol. 26. Issue 1. 25-31. (

McDonnell, J., R.G. Duncan, S. Lichtenwalner, and L. Dunbar. 2010. Exploring Human Impacts on the Coastal Environment. Science Teacher. 77(9):42-47. (

Petrone, C. 2010. The Bridge: An Ocean of Free Education Resources. The Earth Scientist. 26(1):17-18. (

Simoniello, C., L. Spence, J. McDonnell, and N. Deans. 2010. Developing an Education and Outreach Program for the U.S. IOOS: Eyes on the Ocean, Hands-On Learning. Marine Technical Society Journal. 44(6):176-184. (

Zande, J. and C. Brown. 2010. The MATE Center Prepares Students for Ocean-related Technology Careers. The Earth Scientist. 26(1):32-34. (


Keener-Chavis, P., L. Hotaling, and S. Haynes. 2009. The NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer: Continuing to Unfold the President’s Panel on Ocean Exploration Recommendation for Ocean Literacy. Marine Technology Society Journal. 43(2):pp.73-80 (

McDonnell, J., G. Banta, B. Chen, L. Duguay, G. Sharp, L. Smith, W. Stairs, and A. Sponberg. 2009. Education and Public Outreach in the Aquatic Sciences: A View from the Field ASLO Education and Public Outreach Subcommittee. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin. 18(3):62-63. (


Sullivan, D. 2008. Guide to Marine Science and Technology Programs in Higher Education. Marine Technology Society (publisher). pp1-191. (


Hotaling, L., D. Sullivan, and J. Zande. 2007. The Sensor Revolution: Benefits and Challenges for the Marine Technical Workforce. Marine Technology Society Journal. 41(3):pp. 68-72(5) (

McDonnell, J., S. Franks, A. Thorrold, C.L. Peach, and E. Simms. 2007. Strategies for Engaging Scientists in Ocean Sciences Education. Current: The Journal of Marine Education. 23(1):10-11.

Seaman, M., R. Dorph, P. Kwan, and C. Parsons. 2007. COSEE network evaluation. Current: The Journal of Marine Education. 23(1):21-23. (

Sullivan, D. and L. Hotaling. 2007. Ocean Sciences and the Sensor Revolution: Implications for the educational system and workforce. Current: Journal of Marine Education. 23(1):12-14. (


Franks, S.R., C. Peach, J. McDonnell, A. Thorrold, and E. Simms. 2006. Guide to Engaging Scientists and Educators in Education and Outreach. The Oceanographic Society, Supplement (


Franks, S.E.R., C.L. Peach, J. McDonnell, and A. Thorrold. 2005. Broader Impact: Guidance for Scientists about Education and Outreach, EOS Transactions. 86(12):121-129. (

Hotaling, L. 2005. The Gulf Stream Voyage: Using Real Time Data in the Classroom. Marine Technology Society Journal. 39(4):2564 – 2568. (

McDonnell, J., L. Hotaling, G.I. Matsumoto, C. Parsons, B. Meeson, and R. Bell. 2005. Using Ocean Observing Systems Data in K-12 Classrooms: Proceedings from a Workshop Exploring the Merit and Feasibility of Developing a National Ocean Observing Systems (NOOS) Education Product. Marine Technology Society Journal. 39(4):2590 – 2596. (

Sullivan, D., T. Murphree, B. Ford, and J. Zande. 2005. Navigating your way to a better future. Marine Technology Society Journal. 39(4):99-104. (article)

Ocean Literacy: The Essential Principles of Ocean Sciences K-12. 2005. Pamphlet resulting from the 2-week On-Line Workshop on Ocean Literacy through Science Standards; published by National Geographic Society, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence, National Marine Educators Association, College of Exploration; June 2005. (


McDonnell, J., Hotaling, L. 2003. Who Uses the COOL Classroom? Community College and Middle/High School Educators, That’s Who. Oceanography. 16(4):12 (

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