• A penguin waddling in front of a Codar site near Palmer Station, Antarctica.Project CONVERGE 2015

    From late December 2014 through early February 2015, Project CONVERGE scientists are living at Palmer Station, Antarctica, to study the food chain that supports everything from phytoplankton to krill to penguins. Back in the states, 22 middle and high school classrooms in New Jersey will conducti their own research projects to learn more about the Antarctic ecosystem. Each class will have an opportunity to chat live with researchers in Antarctica during the project, and scientists and students will come together in April for a Student Research Symposium.

    Check out the daily photo essays for firsthand stories on the research and daily life on the remote Antarctic Peninsula.

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1101_rosssea_gliderWhat is COSEE NOW?

COSEE NOW is an online network of scientists and educators focused on increasing ocean literacy and fostering collaborations.

COSEE NOW focuses on:

  • facilitating communications between educators and scientists,
  • developing new data products,
  • providing professional development services to improve communications and promote collaboration,
  • co-creating quality education and media products for use with the general public.

gliderlaunchCOSEE NOW for Scientists

COSEE NOW offers a range of opportunities and services for scientists:

Trainings in Communication, Teaching, Outreach, and Collaborations
•Assistance writing Broader Impacts statements
•Example case studies of past Broader Impact projects

joshandteachersCOSEE NOW for Educators

COSEE NOW offers a range of resources and opportunities for K-16 and informal educators:

Trainings in Ocean Science & Literacy
•Ocean related lesson plans/activities
•Ocean related media products


As one of the fourteen COSEE centers around the nation, COSEE NOW developed a range of model programs and made significant contributions to the ocean science education field:

•Summary of how different programs from COSEE NOW were developed, evolved, and utilized by the science and/or education communities.
•Explanation of significant contributions to the ocean science education field.
•Access to research, publications, and presentations that came out of the COSEE NOW program.

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