March 29th – Join us for the next FREE Ocean Lecture & Educators’ Night

Thursday, Mar 29, 2012 ~ 6-8:30 pm
Rutgers University, Cook Campus
Institute of Marine & Coastal Sciences Building, The Phillip Alampi Seminar Room

Ever wonder why there are so many bacteria out there or whether they are all bad?
Interested in learning more about current New Jersey ecological research to teach your students?
Want to spice up your teaching of MARE’s “Bird Beak Buffet” or expand your teaching of “The Great Plankton Race”?

Join us for an exciting evening ocean science lecture and a curriculum session.

Dr. Lee Kerkhof

Dr. Lee Kerkhof, Professor in and Department Chair of the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences at Rutgers University, will share his current research about ecology, diversity of marine microbes, how not all microbes are bad, and all of the still unanswered questions in the ocean, in an educators’ only evening lecture. Following the lecture, we will share ecology, diversity, and microbe related lesson plans and discuss how to bring these topics into your classrooms/clubs.

The Kerkhof lab studies why there is such large diversity in the microbial world, how the diversity changes over space and time, and how so many different species of microbes can live together in the ocean. Their research ranges from field studies off of New Jersey to lab experiments to find bacteria that break down TNT.

6:00 – 6:15 pm: Check-in and Socialize
6:15 – 7:30 pm: Lecture, Q&A and Dinner
7:30 – 8:30 pm: Lesson plan/demonstration, Discussion, and Door Prizes

** Please bring an example of a prop, educational material, or lesson plan that you use to teach your students about ecology, diversity, and microbes. **

Register by Friday, March 23, 2012 (click here to register).

If you are attending in person you will receive FREE materials, a light super, and a certificate of professional development hours.
However, if you are unable to attend in person we will be broadcasting the event over the internet. We ask that you register if you plan on watching the broadcast so we may ensure that it works well for you.

Upon registering for the event, you will receive a confirmation email.

Background Materials & Lesson Plans-

Visit the Dr. Kerkhof Ocean Lecture page on the MARE website to access background materials, a glossary, and lesson plans related to the event.

Prior to the event, you will receive an email with the necessary parking pass to download, print, and display on your dashboard. Parking is available across the street from the Institute of Marine & Coastal Sciences (IMCS) building (the red A button in the maps below).

Here are two maps to help you navigate to the event.

Zoomed out map of IMCS building on Rutgers University

Zoomed in map of IMCS building and parking

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