Raritan River Initiative Faculty Town Hall

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Why should I attend?

Ever thought about:

  • Incorporating field experiences into your courses?
  • Helping students collect or access authentic data?
  • Bringing the local environment into your classroom?

If so, join us to learn more about the Rutgers Raritan River Initiative! Come provide feedback on how to best assist you in using the Raritan River Basin to reach your course goals.

When and where is the event?

April 18, 2016
Trayes Hall, Douglass Student Center

How do I register?

Registration is not required but is requested.
To register, go to http://tinyurl.com/j6cnqpu

What is the Raritan River Initiative?

For Rutgers students the Raritan River is a problem, a physical barrier separating campuses experienced primarily through the windows of a bus. The Raritan River Initiative proposes to transform the Raritan Basin into an academic solution, an interactive field laboratory that enhances the student experience by linking science, engineering, and humanities programs through interdisciplinary classes, projects and activities that take place not only on the banks of but actually on and in the Old Raritan and its tributaries.

Our goal is to provide access to and awareness of the science and history of the Raritan River. Students can explore the Raritan River aboard the 20 passenger landing craft docked in New Brunswick and/or access authentic data collected with the Raritan River and its tributaries. Meanwhile, faculty can access lesson plans and resources created by other Rutgers faculty focusing on the Raritan River.

To find out more about this initiative and how you can participate, contact Carrie Ferraro at ferraro@marine.rutgers.edu.


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