Evaluation Resources

Just as you collect data in your scientific research, you need to collect data on the efficacy of your BI project, which means you need to plan for a project evaluation. Depending on your needs and budget, an evaluation can be simple or sophisticated and you can do it on your own or hire a professional evaluator to help you. These resources will help you develop an evaluation plan and/or help you become an informed consumer when hiring a professional evaluator.

For information on the basics overview of the types of evaluation and how they are used, check out the following video:

Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education – Evaluation Resources

The Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE) website provides links to a number of easy to use materials that provide information on the how, what, why, and who of evaluation. Resources, such as the Principal Investigator’s Guide: Managing Evaluation in Informal STEM Education Projects, the User Friendly Handbook For Project Evaluation, and links to evaluation associations will help you to gain a greater understanding of evaluation and find an evaluator to help you with your project.

NOAA’s Designing Evaluation for Education Products

Evaluation is an integral and essential component of effective project design. This manual
is intended to assist project managers as they develop and implement their evaluation plan.

NOAA’s Designing Education Products

This manual is intended to assist NOAA professionals as they design and implement education projects.

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