Next Steps

Congratulations, you’ve received funding! Now what? Below are some resource and examples that will help get you started with your BI implementation plan. Included is information on creating:

  • Goals
    Developing SMART goals for your project will help you achieve success. For information on how to create SMART goals, refer back to Step 4: BI Project Description of the BI Wizard.
  • Logic Model
    A logic model shows the relationship among the resources you have, activities you will do, and benefits or changes you hope to see in your audience. They can be used at any point in the project implementation process. Logic models can be formatted in many ways, download a sample Logic Model.
  • Action Plan
    While logic models are often confused with action plans, there are some subtle differences. An action plan is a guide for running the project. It frames the goals as actionable items, including the major tasks and timeline. For more information and an example, check out or download example action plan templates.
  • Task List
    Task lists are the “to do” lists to complete the project. These should be very specific and include prioritization, timelines and resources required.

An Example
Let’s get started using the BI description from the BI Wizard. This document is an example of how a BI description can be used to create goals and complete a logic model, action plan and task list.

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