When to start a blog? NOW

You expect a scientist to blog? You expect people to be interested? OK, I’m paraphrasing, but our proposal reviews suggest that at least some people are skeptical of our idea to use ‘new media’ components in this center. Well, how do we answer those questions? I guess the best place to start is by creating a blog, playing with it, learning from our experiences, and using that knowledge to bring others into the conversation (and medium).

As a way for the COSEE NOW team to learn more about blogs (do any of you already have your own blogs? – come on, fess up!), I thought I would open an account and get us started blogging. To kill two birds with one stone, I thought it might also serve as a useful tool for us to communicate amongst ourselves. This team is spread out across the country and we will be involved in many different projects and networks. As things happen, go ahead, reach out…

and communicate to the team.

As you can see, I am a visual person. Pages of text don’t work so well for me, so if you have images to add of the event, or just something interesting, put them up! We’ll let you know if you go overboard.

That was pretty easy.

– andrea: blog reader, occasional commenter, and now blog author…

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