Author Archive | Janice McDonnell

New Educational Video from GEARS workshop participant Rachel Shelly, FSU

The COSEE NOW team along with colleagues Catherine Halversen (COSEE CA), Bob Chen (COSEE OCEAN), and Annette deCharon and Carla Companion (COSEE Ocean Systems) recently held a workshop for early career scientists called GEARS. The GEARS program is designed to help scientists effectively communicate the broader impacts of their work. The program offers a range […]

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Fish Oils and Nutrition

This Fish Oil-Lesson Plan was developed in partnership with Anita Brinker from the Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health at Rutgers University and used to help high school students understand the health benefits of fish oils. This lesson was used with high school students in the 4-H Summer Science program.

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Summer is for Sand Castles

In this lesson, students participate in a sand castle building contest to learn how sand is formed and how sand grain size varies along the beach. This lesson was recently developed by Kristin Hunter Thomson and Kyle Richter for the 4-H Summer Science program. Students worked in teams to build castles along a transect from […]

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Nature of Science Lesson

What is science? This can be a difficult question to answer. Science is often taught from a historical perspective to understand what scientists have learned and discovered. Laboratories often focus on skills development and lose sight of big picture of how science works. This lesson will help introduce students to a variety of essential skills […]

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Scientists, Teachers, and Students Find a Unique Teaching Opportunity at Local NJ Restaurant

Elementary school students unveiled their award winning educational poster on the deck of Moby’s restaurant in Highlands, NJ. The posters which were translated into educational paper placemats, were intended to encourage kids to learn about sustainable seafood practices and how science can be used in everyday life -including making decisions about the seafood we eat. […]

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Broadening Your Impact

Attention Researchers: Join us for a live online seminar on July 28, 2009 at 1:00 pm EDT to discuss how to create effective and well reviewed broader impact statements for your upcoming August 2009 National Science Foundation proposals.

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National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Annual Conference

At this year’s National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), COSEE NOW will be leading the following session along with participants from other COSEE centers. Strand 1: Science Learning, Understanding and Conceptual Change Symposium: Collaborations between Scientists and Science Educators: The Grand Challenges and Great Opportunities of the Centers for Ocean Education Excellence (COSEE) […]

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