Seeing the invisible

Heidi Sosik studies creatures that most of us have never even seen before. She’s just written up and designed a web-based story to explain how and why she does it. And she’s got a video that gives us a glimpse into that tiny, tiny world. Come take a look. — ari daniel shapiro

Heidi Sosik writes: “A drop of seawater contains hundreds, even thousands of tiny phytoplankton, organisms so small they can only be seen with a microscope. Despite being so tiny they are incredibly interesting and beautifully diverse. According to the scientists studying them at WHOI, that diversity is so beautiful that everyone should be able to peek into the invisible world of plankton. And that is being made possible by a new invention called Imaging FlowCytobot.”

You can find her story here.

Heidi Sosik is a senior scientist in the biology department at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

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