This summer, the Education & Outreach team at Rutgers University Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences is providing four unique opportunities for educators to participate in teacher trainings:
1. MARE: One Ocean, Interdisciplinary Instruction (July 17)
2. MARE: Biodiversity & Bioluminescence (July 18)
3. MARE Community Day: Fish & Larvae (August 14)
4. MARE: Beaches, Adaptations, & Human Impacts (August 15)
Each day educators will engage in hands-on and standards-based lessons, interact with local ocean scientists, and participate in various field experiences. Each teacher program has been designed to provide new scientific content and applications for the classroom or after-school club setting in which you teach.
All of the teacher programs are open to both MARE and non-MARE educators in grades K-12, and participants are welcome to attend one or more of the teacher programs over the course of the summer.
For more information and to register for a Teacher Program visit the Summer Teacher Programs webpage. Share these opportunities with your colleagues through the webpage or the Summer 2012 Teacher Programs flyer.
We hope to see you there!
Thanks, The MARE team
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