Contact Us

If you have a question, please choose the most appropriate path:

  • Technical Support: If you have a technical question about or need support on hosting or participating in a webinar, please contact Sage Lichtenwalner.
  • Scientists: If you are a scientist and would like assistance in writing a Broader Impact statement for your next proposal, please check out the Broader Impacts section on this site. If you are also looking for a partner for your education and outreach efforts, we also encourage you to contact any of the COSEE Centers that are either close to you regionally or focus on themes you are interested in.
  • OOS Scientists: While COSEE NOW focuses a lot of effort on virtual collaborations, our primary emphasis is on ocean observing system-based education. If you are an ocean observing scientist and would like to partner with COSEE NOW on your outreach efforts, please contact the Director of COSEE NOW, Janice McDonnell.
  • Educators: If you are an educator, and would like to know more about how to incorporate ocean science, Ocean Observing Systems, or real-time data in your museum or classroom, please check out the Education Resources on this site. Specifically, we encourage you to contact:
    • Formal Educators: Lisa Lawrence, Managers of the Bridge ocean education resource site.
    • Community College Educators: Deidre Sullivan, Director of the Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center at Monterey Peninsula College (MPC)
    • Informal Educators: Harold Clark, Director, Science Educators & Offsite Education at the Liberty Science Center
  • Data Translators: If you are an educator, scientist or technician interested in promoting the use of real-time data or data visualization, please check out the RTD workgroup. COSEE NOW member, Sage Lichtenwalner also dabbles in data visualization when he gets a free moment. So you can try bugging him as well.
  • Social Networkers: COSEE NOW and the COSEE Excellence in Networking Tools Sub-group (ENTS) are currently working to identify effective strategies to use social media and networking tools to promote ocean science literacy. If you’re looking for suggestions on what tools might be useful in your work, we encourage you to check out the Online Tools Guidebook. If you would like more information, or would like a member of our staff to speak with your group on this subject, please contact Sage Lichtenwalner.