Scarlet Knight’s Ocean Adventure Storytelling Challenge

As you know, the Scarlet Knight might be the first underwater robot to cross the Atlantic Ocean. We hope you’re following the blog closely. Scarlet’s telling us quite the story as she crosses the Atlantic!

As the school year comes to an end, we invite you (students, teachers and staff) to send us your stories about the ocean. This could be anything: the first time you went to the beach or tasted salt water, a boat trip you took with your family, an amazing creature you saw while snorkeling. We’re looking for memories about the ocean and stories of the sea. If you have audio recording capabilities at your school, please take advantage of those as we’d love to get the highest quality sound as possible. You can send those to: But if you need to, please leave us a voice mail at (508) 289-3926.

Please have the kids speak extemporaneously as they tell their ocean stories. No writing down the story in advance! Our goal is to include these stories in an upcoming podcast for Ocean Gazing .

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